NEW - BOS ear tags for Cattle & Sheep

Mobile Printer

Mobile Printer for Stick Reader or Stock Recorder

Kits includes 2 chargers: 1x in-car charger + 1x mains charger

Generate and print a list of tag numbers quickly and easily. Lightweight with a rechargeable battery. It uses 2 1/4 “ Direct Thermal paper. Battery charge time ca. 2 – 3 hours.

Includes 1 roll of printer paper.

Product Code AP1300BT-KT

Product Description

The mobile printer can be used to provide a list of tag numbers easily and quickly. This is especially useful for those who do not wish to use a PC or are away from the farm office. The printer can also be used with the Handheld Stock Recorder to print off lists of tag numbers for movements and groups.

The printer is lightweight (6.7oz with one paper roll), has a rechargeable battery and uses 2.28" Direct Thermal paper.

Mobile Printer Specifications:
Dimensions - 5.51" x 3.50" x 1.65"
Weight - 12.34oz including battery and one paper roll
Battery recharging - 2 – 3 hours
Communications - Bluetooth
Power - Custom rechargeable battery – field replaceable
Paper - 2.28" Direct Thermal
Paper - Easy load mechanism

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